
Tuesday, 27 September 2011

My Laziest Post Yet

I would review the latest series of Torchwood but 1) I can't remember most of it because it all took so long (What actually happened in Episode 2 that mattered at all?) and 2) it was so disappointing I don't feel it even merits a well thoguht-out review.

All I'll say is that after the incredible Children of Earth, I really wanted to like this and despite some fantastic ideas, plot twists and characterisation, it was all swamped by far too much padding. This would have made a cracking 5 parter (as CoE was) but presumably the thought process went "Well if it's double the length, we'll get double the quality" A theory very easily proven wrong. While I forgave the first episode's slowness for being desgined to set-up the ongoing plot threads, the plot's dragging of feet became increasingly irksome, so even when the plot finally kicked into gear in the final two episodes, it was too little too late. Oh and I hated Rex as well.

However my ranting has been more eloquently explained in this terrific article, that basically says everything that I felt when watching the show. It isn't often when your exact thoughts are captured by another in finer prose than I have, so here you go:

A better review than the one you've just read

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